If One Branch of a Parallel Circuit Losses Continuity Will the Others Still Work

What Is A Parallel Circuit?

Electrical circuits can either be wired in series or parallel. If you are new to the world of electrical circuitry this can be confusing. In this article, we will be taking a look at parallel circuits. We will start by having a look at what a parallel circuit is, we will take a look at what happens to the current in a parallel circuit, some advantages, and disadvantages, and finally some frequently asked questions about parallel circuits. Let's start by taking a look at what a parallel circuit actually is.

What is a Parallel Circuit?

A parallel circuit is a type of electrical circuit that has a number of different paths for current to flow through. If you wanted to pass through every component in a parallel circuit you would have to travel down every separate branch. In a parallel circuit if one component fails the electrical circuit may still function as the current has other paths.

Regardless of how many branches that exist in a parallel circuit there are never more than two sets of electrically common points.

Lighting circuits are one of the most common places where you will find parallel circuits. If one light fails the others in the same circuit will still be able to operate.

If you look at the image below you can see that there are two different branches for the electrons to flow through. If one of the bulbs fails in the circuit then current will still be supplied to the other bulb. To pass through every component in the circuit then you would have to travel down each branch.

Parallel circuit
Parallel circuit

The image above shows a very basic parallel circuit with only a cell and two bulbs used in it. Parallel circuits can be very complex and include a lot of different components and branches. If a component fails or is disconnected the other branches still supply voltage/current to the other components and keep them functioning. This is why we choose parallel circuits for some applications and why they are used over series circuits for some electrical equipment/systems.

We use parallel circuits in our houses/offices for lighting circuits. This means if a bulb fails the other lights in the circuit continue to work and stay illuminated, unlike a series circuit. Also if you add more lights to the circuit the others still stay bright as the current is shared.

What Happens to Current in a Parallel Circuit?

Current is shared in parallel circuits, for example, if a circuit had 2 lamps (both with the same resistance) and a supply of 10 Amps they would both have 5 Amps going through them. The current is shared between each branch and then is added together again when it meets before the power source. If you look at the image below you can see that the current is shared between the bulbs, then on the final branch of the circuit it would return to its full level.

Parallel circuit with Ammeter
Parallel circuit with Ammeter

If however, the resistance was different on the lamps the current readings would not match, the higher resistance of a component the lower the current. The current would still divide between the components (although it would be different readings) and added together again before the cell.

What are the advantages of using a parallel circuit?

Using a parallel circuit over a series circuit can offer some advantages, parallel circuits are used in a number of applications due to the benefits they can offer. We have listed some of the key benefits below:

  • Equal voltage is shared across all components – because voltage remains consistent in a parallel circuit we know that each component shares the same level of voltage.
  • Connecting or disconnecting components without affecting the circuit is possible – when you connect or disconnect new components or appliances in a parallel circuit it will not affect the other components or circuit.
  • If a fault occurs current can still pass using different paths – when a component or wire fails in a parallel circuit current can still flow through different branches. This is great for circuits that feature a number of components such as lighting circuits as they can still provide light if one fails.

What are the disadvantages of using a parallel circuit?

Like anything, parallel circuits can come with some disadvantages. Below we have listed some of the most common disadvantages associated with parallel circuits:

  • Lots of wires are required – lots of wires are required in the construction of a parallel circuit, this can make parallel circuits look messy if they are not wired neatly.
  • Voltage cannot be increased or multiplied – because the resistance decreases in parallel circuits this means the voltage cannot be increased. This should always be thought about when designing a circuit.
  • Fault finding is more complex than series circuits – in series circuits you can pinpoint where a fault has occurred easier than in a parallel circuit.

Does voltage change in a parallel circuit?

Voltage does not change in a parallel circuit, it remains constant. This means it does not change and is the same across all branches/loops regardless of how many branches there are in the circuit and also how many components are in it.

The only way to change the level of voltage in a parallel circuit would be to change the power source itself.

How is energy passed in a parallel circuit?

Energy is passed through the different recipients and then through a second connection. Providing there is always an energy source it means that electricity will always be able to reach a component (recipient).

If one component fails the other components still receive energy and are not affected.

Examples of where parallel circuits are used

Parallel circuits are used in a number of different places for a number of different applications. Below we will list some of the most common examples where parallel circuits are used and explain why we use them in these applications:

  • Christmas tree lights – Christmas tree lights now use parallel circuits. That's why when one light fails they still work, the older style of lights used to use series circuits.
  • Lighting circuits – if a lighting circuit requires more than one light it is connected in parallel. This is to keep the rest of the lights functioning even if one fails.


Source: https://engineerfix.com/what-is-a-parallel-circuit/

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